21 November 2022 | 10:18 PM

Three nil away defeat in Moneygall but Rea girls improving game on game

Game was played in very wet and windy conditions under lights, on Monday night Nov 21st in Moneygall's impressive facilities. This was a nip and tuck battle throughout, Moneygall scored midway through the first half but Rearcross had several opportunities in and around the Moneygall box but unfortunately couldn’t capitalise on them. Half time 1 nil to Moneygall
Both teams saw plenty of possession, with the Rearcross rearguard of Kate Kennedy in goals and Aoibheann Devitt and Maria Carr repelling several Moneygall attacks and launching several counter attacks. Zara Maher at right full put in a great performance up and down the right flank all night. The scoreline doesn't reflect how competitive the game was with Rearcross unfortunately unable to rattle the net, they did come close on a few occasions through Abbie Carroll and Ruth Johnstone been denied by the Moneygall keeper. Rearcross have improved since the corresponding fixture in October, both sides moving the ball well through midfield and down the flanks, Orla Carr, Chloe Quinlan and Zofia Wiceinska prominent in midfield. Anna Kennedy and Lauren Hartnett got on a lot of ball, and both are underage at this level next season, which bodes well. All Rearcross girls are improving at this level and will continue to improve with games, the improvement is noticeable from game to game.

Rearcross and Moneygall observed a minute's silence for Rearcross FC stalwart and sponsor Rody Kennedy R.I.P. before the game, with the girls proudly wearing their new Jerseys for the first time, which Rody and Anne had sponsored just a few weeks back.

Rearcross U-12 Girls: Kate Kennedy, Chloe Quinlan, Maria Carr, Shauna Carr, Aoibheann Devitt, Orla Carr, Shauna Carr, Abbie Carroll, Zara Maher, Lauren Hartnett, Ruth Johnstone, Anna Kennedy

Report by Myles Devitt


Date Time Season
21 November 2022 10:18 PM 2022