Zofia Kwiecinska (3)
Orlaith Carr (1)

Alanna O’Carroll (4)
Juliet Taylor (2)

30 August 2024 | 10:04 PM

Brave display from Rearcross U-14 Girls before losing out on 6-4 scoreline

Rearcross hosted Arra Rovers at Rearcross FC Grounds in a 10-goal thriller, just edged by Arra Rovers on a 6-4 scoreline. This was a very open and entertaining game and was end to end stuff with free-flowing football. Encouragingly, both teams played with the ball on the deck and moved it at speed up the field. Both teams passed the ball really well and are developing a style of play that is easy to watch. Rearcross lead at the break 2 -1 with both goals coming through Zofia Kwiecinska while Alanna O’Carroll netted for the Portroe side.
Arra fired back quickly in the second off with 2 goals by Juliet Taylor with strong Rearcross connections. Rearcross weren't rattled by this and pull an equalising goal back through Orlaith Carr. Arra though hit Rearcross on the break and scored two quick fire goals through Alanna O Carroll, however Zofia Kwiecinska broke the Arra offside trap and gave the Rea girls hope with her third on the night. However the clock went against Rearcross girls on the night, who were peppering the Arra rearguard, but just couldn't find the elusive equaliser. A highly entertaining game between two evenly matched sides and it was a great advertisement for underage ladies’ football.
Credit to Arra Rovers (coached by former Rearcross FC player Paul Taylor) for a sporting and entertaining game, both teams gave their all.

Rearcross U-14 Girls: Ewa Kwiecinska, Lauren Hartnett, Aoibheann Devitt, Shauna Carr, Zara Maher, Orlaith Carr, Maria Carr, Saoirse Guidera, Zofia Kwiecinska, Maria Collins, Anna Kennedy, Abbie Carroll

Arra Rovers: Anna Maira Dumitrescu, Elodie Kenny, Juliet Taylor, Leah Aherne, Jane Power, Alanna O’Carroll, Morgan O’Gorman, Lydia Connolly, Victoria De Magdalena, Iona Dumitrescu, Email Ostapkiewicz, Sarah O’Halloran, Sophie Howard (Capt)

Referee: Paudie Devitt

Report by Myles Devitt


Date Time Season
30 August 2024 10:04 PM 2024